Augmented Reality Criticisms

Recent Projects

ghost bike app documentation

Death Drive(r)s: Ghost Bike (Monu)mentality

The Death Drive(r)s ARC overlays digital “ghost bikes” at locations where a cyclist has been killed or seriously injured by a car in Jacksonville, FL. These augmented overlays work to (re)place the physical ghost bikes that once stood at these locations, thereby serving as haunting digital reminders of what Gregory Ulmer refers to as the “abject sacrifices” required to maintain petrocultural values.

augmenting atlanta documentation

Augmenting Atlanta

Augmenting Atlanta is a critical AR walking tour that examines the rhetoric surrounding the Atlanta BeltLine urban redevelopment project, a historic 22-mile railway corridor that encircles the downtown area.

augmenting atlanta documentation

Hitting the (Hyper)links

Hitting the (Hyper)links augments the spectator's critical experience at the Players Tournament, altering the cycle of spectacle and consumption inherent in the TPC site.

articulated detroit logo

Articulated Detroit: Visualizing Environments

Articulated Detroit is an interactive mobile AR walking tour down Detroit's iconic Woodward Avenue. Building from Jeff Rice’s work in Digital Detroit: Rhetoric and Space in the Age of the Network, this digital public writing project seeks to interrogate how an iconic space within Detroit—Woodward Avenue—operates as a virtual and actual environment.

articulated detroit logo

The Augmented Tarot

The Augmented Tarot is an augmented reality tool designed to assist users with their understanding of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck. When the camera sensor on a smartphone is pointed at any card in the Rider-Waite deck, an overlay instantly appears that provides annotated information on noteworthy iconography and symbolism present in the card.

super pac scramble documentation

Super PAC Scramble

Super PAC Scramble is a single-player augmented reality game that educates players about monetary donations for the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

mobilizing paris documentation

Mobilizing pARis

Beginning with posters and graffiti from May 1968, Mobilizing pARis maps the circulation of texts on the streets of Paris and creates an AR route that reunites the spread of images with the spread of people and protest.

Comics Architected documentation

Comics ARchitected

Comics ARchitected augments portions of the first issue of Alan Moore and Kevin O’Neill’s The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic book series to demonstrate how the comics page functions architecturally, and how augmented reality can preserve or disrupt the reader’s experience of a comic when providing foreign language translations.

lincolnville documentation


EcoTour is a mobile augmented reality applications that educates local community members about environmental threats facing the Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park. The application fosters a more ecologically aware experience for visitors to Paynes Prairie by overlaying informational media onto the physical space of the park. EcoTour is funded through a Healthy Civic Campus and Community Grant from the Bob Graham Center for Public Service.

lincolnville documentation

Lincolnville St. Augustine History Tour

In collaboration with the Department of History and Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP), Trace is currently developing a location-based history application for the neighborhood of Lincolnville in St. Augustine, FL. Drawing from a database of oral histories collected by SPOHP, the application will coordinate audio narratives from community members to historical churches, businesses, and homes throughout Lincolnville.