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Chandler Mordecai

Ph.D. Student


A headshot of Chandler Mordecai. She wears and black blouse with a white blazer, and is smiling broadly.Chandler Mordecai is PhD candidate at the University of Florida. Her dissertation is an intersectional feminist analysis of content creators on TikTok who share content related to healing. She explores how healing practices and experiences are communicated, shared, and even complicated through the sociotechnical features and affordances of TikTok. Chandler has taught various UF undergraduate courses focused on argument and persuasion, World literature, British literature, multimodal and technical writing, and a self-designed course entitled Writing about Myth, Media, and Memory. She is the recipient of a 2022-2023 Department of English Teaching Award and served as the 2022-2023 English Graduate Organization’s secretary. Chandler’s work has been published in journals, such as Computers and Composition, Image/Text: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies, and Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies.

Fields of Study:

  • Digital Rhetoric
  • Composition and Rhetoric
  • Healing Justice
  • Media Studies


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