Recent Student Presentations
Sheri Allen
- “The Jewel Box.” Boulevard No. 56–57 (2004).
Scott Balcerzak
- “Nationalizing and Segregating Performance: Josephine Baker and Stardom in Zouzou(1934).” Post Script: Essays in Film and the Humanities 26.1 (2006).
- “The Two Faces of Hans Beckert: Refragmenting and Reconstructing Cinematic Performance in Peter Lorre’s The Lost Man (1951)” The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (Spring 2006).
- “Dickensian Orphan as Child Star: Freddie Bartholomew and the Commodity of Cute in MGM’s David Copperfield (1935).” Literature/Film Quarterly 33.1 (2005).
Seth Blazer
- “Rear Window Ethics: Domestic Privacy versus Public Responsibility in the Evolution of Voyeurism.” Midwest Quarterly (Summer 2006).
Dan Brown
- “Chopping Wood: ‘Primitive’ Masculinity in Gauguin’s Man With an Axe, Matamoe and Noa Noa.” Nineteenth Century Gender Studies 3.3 (2007) .
Lyndsay Brown
- “Yorick, Don’t Be A Hero: Productive Motion in Y: The Last Man.” ImageTexT 3.1 (2006).
Sarah Brusky
- “A Veiled Lady: Nancy Prince and Her Gothic Odyssey.” Gender, Genre, & Identity in Women’s Travel Writing, ed. Kristi Siegel (Peter Lang, 2004), 167–80.
- “The Travels of William and Ellen Craft: Race and Travel Literature in the Nineteenth Century.” Prospects: An Annual Journal of the American Cultural Studies (Fall 2001).
- “Beyond the Ending of Maternal Absence in A New-England Tale, The Wide, Wide, World, and St. Elmo. Renaissance (Spring 2000).
Ramona Caponegra
- A review of Keith Knight and Mat Schwarzman’s Beginner’s Guide to Community-Based Art. Community Literacy Journal 2.1 (Fall 2007).
Kate Casey-Sawicki
- “A Rhizomatic Wisdom Project.” Hyperrhiz 1.1 (2005).
- “A Review of Bronwyn Williams’s Tuned In: Television and the Teaching of Writing.” Enculturation (Spring 2003).
Amanda Davis
- Entries for “Angela de Hoyos” and “Julia Alvarez.” Encyclopedia of Latino/a Literature. Facts on File, 2006.
- “The Border Arts Workshop.” The U.S. – Mexico Border: An Encyclopedia of Culture and Politics. Greenwood, 2006.
- “Patrice Gaines.” African American Women Writers: An A to Z Guide. Greenwood, 2006.
- Entries for “Hush Harbors,” “Slave Codes,” and “The Civil Rights Act of 1968.” The Encyclopedia of African American History. ABC-CLIO, 2006.
- “To Build a Nation: Black Women Writers, Black Nationalism, and the Violent Reduction of Wholeness.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women’s Studies. 26.3 (Winter 2005): 24–53.
- “Shatterings: Violent Disruptions of Homeplace in Jubilee and The Street.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 30.4 (Winter 2005): 25–51.
- “Janet McDonald.” An Encyclopedia of Ethnic American Literature. Greenwood, 2005.
- Entries for “bell hooks,” “Audre Lorde,” “Gloria Wade-Gayles,” and “Sherley Anne Williams.” The Encyclopedia of African American Literature Greenwood, 2005.
- “A Review of Janet Zandy’s Hands: Physical Labor, Class, and Cultural Work.” Labor Studies Journal 30.3 (2005): 97–98.
- “A Review of Angelyn Mitchell’s The Freedom to Remember: Narrative, Slavery and Gender in Contemporary Black Women’s Fiction.” MELUS: Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 29.2 (2004): 302–306.
- “A Review of The Latina Feminist Group’s Telling to Live: Latina Feminist Testimonios.” Aztlan: A Journal of Chicano/a Studies (Spring 2005).
- “A Review of Nancy Hirschmann’s The Subject of Liberty: Toward a Feminist Theory of Freedom.” Women’s Studies 33.6 (2004).
- “A Review of Sister Circle: Black Women and Work. Feminist Theory 5.1 (2004).
- “On Teaching Women’s Prison Writing: A Feminist Approach to Women, Crime, and Incarceration.” Women’s Studies Quarterly (Winter 2004).
- “A Review of Recovering the Black Female Body: Self-Representations by African American Women.” Feminist Teacher 14.3 (2003).
Barbara R. Drake
- “How to Marry a Southern Man.” Red Rock Review 22.2 (Spring 2005).
- “Town & Hillock.” New Delta Review (2005).
Maryam El-Shall
- “A Review of Azar Nafisi’s Reading Lolita in Tehran.” Journal of Middle Eastern Women’s Studies (Fall 2005).
Christopher Eklund
- “A Review of Bart Beaty’s Fredric Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture. ImageTexT3.1 (2006).
Sean Fenty
- “Webcomics: The Influence and Continuation of the Comix Revolution” (with Trena Houp and Laurie Taylor). ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 1.2 (2004).
- “A Review of Mark Meadows’s Pause & Effect: The Art of Interactive Narrative.” Currents in Electronic Literacy (Fall 2004).
- “Sprouting the Line: How Hypertext and Philosophy Meet in David Kolb’s Socrates in the Labyrinth.” Shine 25 (2002).
James Fleming
- “A Review of The Gospel According to Superheroes: Religion and Popular Culture. Ed. B.J. Oropeza. ImageTexT 3.1 (2006).
- “A Review of Dino Francis Felluga’s The Perversity of Poetry: Romantic Ideology and the Popular Male Poet of Genius. Romantic Textualities 16 (2006).
Christopher Garland
- “Klan’s New Message of Cyber-Hate.” The New Zealand Herald.
- “The Blogs of War.” The New Zealand Herald.
- “Where the Sun Never Shines.” The New Zealand Herald.
Georgia Gelmis
- “Cremation Day.” Crab Creek Review (Fall/Winter 2007).
- “City of the Dead.” The Saint Ann’s Review (2006).
Stephen Giddens
- “Singing Otherwise: Karaoke, Representation, and Practice.” Studies in Popular Culture28.3 (2006).
Lisa Hager
- “A Community of Women: Women’s Agency and Sexuality in George Egerton’s Keynotes and Discords.” Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 2.2 (2006).
- “Mid-Century Corporeal Hauntings: A Review of Kate Lawson and Lynn Shakinovsky’s The Marked Body: Domestic Violencein Mid-Nineteenth-Century Literature.” English Literature Transition, 1880–1920 46.3 (2003).
- “A Review of Bruce Horner and Min-Zhan Lu’s Representing the ‘Other’: Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing.” Transformations: The New Jersey Project Journal 11.2 (2000).
Brandon Hartley
- “Cheese.” 32 Poems (Fall 2005).
Trena Houp
- “Webcomics: The Influence and Continuation of the Comix Revolution” (with Sean Fenty and Laurie Taylor). ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 1.2 (2004).
Bharati Kasibhatla
- “S. P. E. W. /spew, or, Hermione Spews a Badge.” Selected Papers from Nimbus–2003 Compendium: We Solemnly Swear These Papers Were Worth The Wait (2005): 121–31.
Carolyn Kelley
- “Dry Drown” and “The Stars.” The Aroostook Review 1.2 (Summer 2007).
Emily Kissel
- “To: unknownsoldier.” Kalliope (Spring 2008).
Matthew Ladd
- “The Traveling Dissection Tent.” The Paris Review (Fall 2004).
- “Apeland.” Margie (Fall 2004).
Jessica Livingston
- “Murder in Juarez: Gender, Sexual Violence, and the Global Assembly Line.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 25.1: 59–76.
Ellen Joy Letostak
- “Tracking Shakespeare with TiVo®.” Shakespeares after Shakespeare: An Encyclopedia of the Bard in Mass Media and Popular Culture. Ed. Richard Burt. Greenwood Press, 2006.
Jaimy Mann
- “Review of Little Boy: The Arts of Japan’s Exploding Subculture (ed. Takashi Murakami, Yale University Press, 2005).” Children’s Literature Association Quarterly 31.1 (2006): 93–97.
Velina Manolova
- A review of Zan Meyer Gonclaves’s Sexuality and the Politics of Ethos in the Writing Classroom. Composition Forum (Fall 2007).
Cathlena Martin
- “Introduction to Film: Through the Eyes of a Child” (with Kate Casey-Sawicki, Brenda Maxey-Billings, and Lindsey Collins). Newsletter of the Society for the History of Children and Youth 7 (2006).
- “A Rhizomatic Wisdom Project.” Hyperrhiz 1.1 (2005).
- “Review of Emma Wilson’s Cinema’s Missing Children.” Journal of Film and Video 57.1–2 (2005): 94–95.
- “Gaming’s Non-Digital Predecessors” (with Laurie Taylor). The International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal 2.1 (2005): 25–29.
- “E for Everyone – A Call for Interdisciplinary Studies” (with Laurie Taylor). “The Ivory Tower” (2005).
- “Review of Ed. John Alberti’s Leaving Springfield: The Simpsons and the Possibility of Oppositional Culture.” ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comic Studies 1.2 (2004).
- “Practicing What We Teach: Collaborative Writing and Teaching Teachers to Blog” (with Laurie Taylor). Lore: An E-Journal for Teachers of Writing (2004).
Michael Mayne
- “A review of Chris Lamb’s Drawn to Extremes: The Use and Abuse of Editorial Cartoons.” ImageTexT 3.1 (2006).
James McDougall
- “Post-Cultural Revolution Beijing: Making a Space for ‘Today’” Entertext 5.2 (2005).
Mark Mckain
- Ranging the Moon. Puddinghouse Publications (Fall 2003).
Marlon Moore
- “A Review of The Exorcist (Mark Kermode, ed). Journal of Film and Video 56.3 (2004).
Angelique Nixon
- “Poem and Tale as Double Helix in Joy Harjo’s A Map to the Next World.” SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures 18.1 (2006): 1–21.
Eric Otto
- “Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars Trilogy and the Leopoldian Land Ethic.” Utopian Studies (Spring 2004).
Lee Felice Pinkas
- “Constitution,” “Prayer on the Battlefield” and “In the Cup are my Portions.” WitnessXXI.
Christine Poreba
- “Your Silent Elegy.” Limestone (2005).
- “Something Polka.” Limestone (2005).
Mohanalakshmi Rajakumar
- “Out From Behind the Unspeakable.” Woman.Period. Eds. by Julia Watts, Parneisha Jones, and Jo Ruby, (forthcoming).
- “Exposure.” Cooweescoowee: A Journal of Arts and Letters (2006).
- “Dasi.” Book of Voices (March 2005).
- “Reviews of Saurabh Dube’s Stiches on Time: Colonial Textures and Postcolonial Tangles(2003) and Doris Sommer’s Bilingual Aesthetics: A Sentimental Education (2004). Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 4.4 (2004).
- “Tree.” Americana 2.6 (2004).
- “Baby.” Szirine (Fall 2004).
Andrew Reynolds
- “Ursula K. Le Guin, Herbert Marcuse, and the Fate of Utopia in the Postmodern.” The New Utopian Politics of Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Dispossessed. Eds. Laurence Davis and Peter Stillman. Lexington, 2005: 75–94.
Jeffry Allen Rice
- “Bridging the Gap: Contextualizing Professional Ethics in Collaborative Writing Projects.”Business Communication Quarterly 70.4 (2007): 470–75.
Brittany Roberts
- Review of Kimberly Harrison and Richard Fantina’s Victorian Sensations and Anna Maria Jones’s Problem Novels: Victorian Fiction Theorizes the Sensation Self. Nineteenth-Century Literature 62.4 (March 2008): 550–54.
Reagan Ross
- “Allegorical Figurations and the Political Didactic in Bulworth.” Cineaction 65: 54–61 (2004).
Philip Sandifer
- “A Review of Alan Moore and Melinda Gebbie’ Lost Girls.” ImageTexT 3.1 (2006).
Sarah Schiff
- “Mike Markel’s Technical Communication.” Technical Communication Online (Summer 2003).
Aaron Shaheen
- “‘The Social Dusk of that Mysterious Democracy’: Race, Sexology, and the New Woman in Henry James’s The Bostonians.” The American Transcendental Quarterly(2005).
- “Endless Frontiers and Emancipation from History: Horatio Alger’s Reconstruction of Place and Time in Ragged Dick.” Children’s Literature 33 (2005): 20–40.
- “Henry James’s Southern Mode of Imagination: Men, Women, and the Image of the South in The Bostonians.” The Henry James Review (Summer 2003).
- “‘Seizing the Bounty of This Virtuous Tree’: The Sexual Underpinnings of Jeffersonian Pastoralism in Brother to Dragons.” Southern Literary Journal 34.2 (2002).
Horacio Sierra
- “A Review of Dan Savage’s The Commitment: Love, Sex, Marriage, and Family.” The Satellite (November 2006).
- “A Review of Sonia Nazario’s Enrique’s Journey: The Story Of A Boy’s Dangerous Odyssey To Reunite With His Mother.” Hispanic (February 2006).
- “La Leyenda Negra in British and American’s Children’s Literature: 1583 – Present.” Mester 24 (2005): 124–142.
- “An Interview with Anne Rice.” The Miami Herald. November 5, 2005.
Eric Smith
- “Questions Concerning Galactic Bowling.” American Literary Review.
- “Victory, with Molly Ringwald’s Underpants in the Air” and “Crows.” Iron Horse Literary Review.
- Review of Sarah Riggs’s Waterwork. Verse.
Laurie Taylor
- “Positive Features of Video Games.” Handbook of Children, Culture, and Violence. Eds. Nancy E. Dowd, Dorothy G. Singer, and Robin Wilson. Sage, 2006.
- “A Ludic Model? Smooth and Striated Space and Sid Meier’s Civilization.” Civilizations: Virtual History, Real Fantasies. Ed. Matteo Bittanti. Edizioni Costa & Nolan, 2006.
- “First-Person Shooters in Transition: The Legacy of Quake and Doom.” Doom, The First Person Reader. Eds. Matteo Bittanti and Sue Morris. Edizioni Costa & Nolan, 2005.
- “Postive Features of Video Games.” Handbook of Children, Culture, and Violence. Eds. Nancy Dowd, Dorothy G. Singer, and Robin Fretwell Wilson. Sage, 2005.
- “Fractured Identities: Siblings and Doubles in Video Games.” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 5.2 (Spring 2005).
- “Gaming’s Non-Digital Predecessors” (with Cathlena Martin).The International Digital Media & Arts Association Journal 2.1 (2005): 25–29.
- “E for Everyone – A Call for Interdisciplinary Studies” (with Cathlena Martin). “The Ivory Tower” (January 2005).
- “A Review of Serena Valentino’s Nightmares and Fairytales Volume 1. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies 1.6 (2005).
- “A Review of Ann Weinstone’s Avatar Bodies. Consciousness, Literature and the Arts 5.3(December 2004).
- “Working the System: Economic Models for Video Game Narrative and Play.” Works and Days 22: 43–44 (2004): 143–53.
- “Webcomics: The Influence and Continuation of the Comix Revolution” (with Sean Fenty and Trena Houp). ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies 1.2 (2004).
- “Practicing What We Teach: Collaborative Writing and Teaching Teachers to Blog” (with Cathlena Martin). Lore: An E-Journal for Teachers of Writing (Fall 2004).
- “A Review of Ann Weinstone’s Avatar Bodies: A Tantra for Posthumanism.” Consciousness, Literature and the Arts (December 2004).
- “MUDs and MOOs: Collaborative Narrative Play at Work in the Classroom” (With Brendan Riley and Mike Sansone). ACE On-Line (Fall 2004).
- “Compromised Divisions: Thresholds in Comic Books and Video Games.” ImageText1.1 (2004).
- “Video Game Internal Turfs and Turfs of Play.” Media-Culture 7.2 (March 2004).
- “When Seams Fall Apart: Video Game Space and the Player.” Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research 3.2 (2003).
- “A Review of Mark Wolf’s (ed.) The Video Game Theory Reader.” Journal of Film and Video55.4 (2003).
Troy Teegarden
- “take you there.” Limestone (Fall 2004).
Harun Karim Thomas
- “Teaching Tupac Shakur in the English Classroom: What is the Game?” Inventio(Spring 2003).
- “The Pedagogy of Whatever.” Computers and Composition 20.1 (2003).
Sharmain van Blommestein
- “A Review of Feminist Futures: Re-imagining Women, Culture and Development,” eds. Kum-Kum Bhavnani, John Foran, and Priya Kurian. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 33.3 (2005).
- “Aquinas/Prostitution.” Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution, ed. Melissa Hope Ditmore (2005).
- “Ballet/Prostitution.” Historical Encyclopedia of Prostitution, ed. Melissa Hope Ditmore (2005).
Alison Van Nyhuis
- “Moving Beyond Black and White Issues: Jewishness and Symbols of Womanhood in Abeng.” Journal of West Indian Literature 13.1–2 (2005): 176–95.
- “The Genevieve Taggard Effect: Producing Poetic Narratives and Literary Misfits.” How2 2.1 (2003).
- “Nationalistic Myopia: Pocomania’s Reflection and Projection of the Jamaican Nation.” Sargasso: A Journal of Caribbean Literature, Language, and Culture 2 (2002):115–27.
Michael Vastola
- “Pedagogy, Ideology, and Space in the Classical Anarchist Conception of Freedom.” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture 6.2 (2006).
Adam Vines
- “Grabbing.” Family Matters (Bottom Dog Press, 2005).
Zach Whalen
- “Deviant Materialities: Reflecting Surfaces and Hollow Bodies in CSI.” Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media 13 (2008).
- “Film Music vs. Video Game Music: The Case of Silent Hill.” Music, Sound, and Multimedia: From the Live to the Virtual. Ed. Jamie Sexton. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.
- “Cruising in San Andreas: Ludic Space and Urban Aesthetics in Grand Theft Auto.” The Meaning and Culture of Grand Theft Auto: Critical Essays. Ed. Nate Garrelts. McFarland & Company, 2006.
- “Game/Genre: A Critique of Generic Formulas in Video Games in the Context of ‘The Real.’” Work and Days 22.43–44 (2004): 289–303.
- “Play Along – An Approach to Video Game Music.” Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research (Fall 2004).
- “Ludology: Who Gets to Play?” Media-Culture 7.2 (2004).
Roger Whitson
- “A Review of Saree Makdisi’s William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s. Clio: A Journal of Literature, History and the Philosophy of History. 33.4 (2004).
Andrea Wood
- “‘Straight’ Women, Queer Texts: Boy-Love Manga and the Rise of a Global Counterpublic.” Women’s Studies Quarterly (May 2006).
Jenna Wood
- “Penniless.”Elsewhere (Winter 2008).