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Women at Work in Twenty-First-Century European Cinema

Barbara Mennel U. of Illinois Press, 2019 From hairdressers and caregivers to reproductive workers and power-suited executives, images of women’s labor have powered a fascinating new movement within twenty-first century European cinema. Social realist dramas capture precarious working conditions. Comedies exaggerate the habits of the global managerial class. Stories from countries battered by the global […]

Victorian Skin: Surface, Self, History

Pamela K. Gilbert Cornell U. Press, 2019 In Victorian Skin, Gilbert uses literary, philosophical, medical, and scientific discourses about skin to trace the development of a broader discussion of what it meant to be human in the nineteenth century. Where is subjectivity located? How do we communicate with and understand each other’s feelings? How does […]

Comedy Acting for Theater: The Art and Craft of Performing in Comedies

Sid Homan and Brian Rhinehart Bloomsbury/ Methuen, 2018 Analysing why we laugh and what we laugh at, and describing how performers can elicit this response from their audience, this book enables actors to create memorable – and hilarious – performances. Rooted in performance and performance criticism, Sidney Homan and Brian Rhinehart provide a detailed explanation […]

Rift of Light

William Logan Penguin, 2017 William Logan’s classical verve conjures up the past within the present and the foreshadowings of the present within the past. In their sculptural turns, their pleasure in the glimmerings of the sublime while rummaging around in the particular, the poems in Rift of Light, Logan’s eleventh collection, are a master class […]

Distant Mandate

Ange Mlinko Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2017 In Distant Mandate, Ange Mlinko moves between the tormented southern landscape, with its alternately arid and flooded scrublands, and the imaginative landscapes of Western art. Guided by her spiritual forbears―Orpheus, Mallarmé, Pound, Yeats, and others―Mlinko deftly places herself within the tradition of the poet in protest against the […]

Inside the Subject: A Theory of Identity for the Study of Writing

Raúl Sánchez National Council of Teachers of English, 2017 This book develops a new theoretical approach to the study of writing by fusing key aspects of postmodern theory with the empirical sensibilities of composition studies and with that field’s long-standing investment in writerly agency. Specifically, Inside the Subject describes the act of writing in terms of […]

The Aesthetics and Politics of Global Hunger

Anastasia Ulanowicz and Manisha Basu, eds. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018 This collection investigates modern imperialist practices and their management of hunger through its punctuated distribution amongst asymmetrically related marginal populations. Drawing on relevant material from Egypt, Ireland, India, Ukraine, and other regions of the globe, The Aesthetics and Politics of Global Hunger is a rigorously comparative […]