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Fall 2017 Newsletter

News of Faculty


Ange Mlinko has an essay on Marianne Moore in the December issue of Poetry magazine.

Roger Maioli was awarded a grant from the Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Fund in support of his ongoing project “Redrawing the Boundaries: The Enlightenment Crisis of Values.”

Anastasia Ulanowicz’s collection, The Aesthetics and Politics of Global Hunger (co-edited with Manisha Basu, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) has been published by Palgrave. It includes essays by Malini Schueller and UF grad alum Christina Van Houten.

Richard Burt, “DIE-JESTING stURNe’s BURIALLs: Publication, Plagiarism, Pseudonymity, Pseudography, Cenography, Palimpsestuosity, Posthumography, and the Propriety or Pathos of Posterity,” in Shakespeare’s Hamlet in an Era of Textual Exhaustion, ed. Allison Kellar Lenhardt, Sonya Loftis, and Lisa Ulevich. (New York and London: Routledge, 2018), 199-243.


Michael Hofmann’s translation of Bertolt Brecht’s poem “Of Poor B.B.” is read in a beautiful Scottish accent on the Poetry Foundation website as Poem of the Day (22/11/17) by Michael Stuhlbarg.

Pamela Gilbert published an essay titled “How Disgust Entered the Ghost Story,” in the Routledge Handbook to the Ghost Story (2018).

At the 42nd Annual Conference of the Society for Utopian Studies, Phil Wegner was awarded the Lyman Tower Sargent Award for Distinguished Scholarship, the Society’s highest honor for lifetime achievements for diversified activities. Phil also presented two papers—“‘The Becoming Essential of the Accident, and the Becoming Accidental of the Essence’: The Economy of Speculative Automatism in Jo Walton’s Thessaly Trilogy” and “Reading for Utopia or, The Event of the New Criticism and the Fate of The Republic”—and participated on a roundtable on “Suvin Today.”

Andrew Gordon spoke on “Divorce and Madness: Saul Bellow’s Herzog and Norman Mailer’s An American Dream” at the Norman Mailer Conference in Sarasota October 26. He gave invited lectures on “Reading Philip Roth’s The Plot Against American in the Age of Trump” at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and on “J.G. Ballard’s novel Empire of the Sun and Steven Spielberg’s Film adaptation” at NYU Shanghai on November 16.

Sidney Homan and Brian Rhinehart, Comedy Acting for Theatre: The Art and Craft of Performing in Comedies (Bloomsbury/Methuen: London, 2018).


Richard Burt delivered the keynote speech at the Tokyo Shakespeare forum October 28–29 entitled “Philosophical Anger and the Posthumous reader in Shakespeare, Derrida, and Burke.” His article “Reading Madness in the Archive: Shakespeare’s Unread ‘Letters’” appears in a special issue of Borrowers and Lenders on “Global Shakespeares in World Markets and Archives.”

Roger Maioli recently delivered two invited talks. The first, “Empiricism and the Early Theory of the Novel,” was given at Harvard University’s Joint Center for History and Economics on October 23. The second, “Maps of Worlds Unseen: Empiricism and Knowledge in the Novel,” was given at an event at Stanford University that was cosponsored by the English department and the Seminar on the Enlightenment and Revolution.

Raúl Sánchez’s short video, “How Do You Write about Theory?” appears on NCTE’s YouTube channel as part of its CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric playlist.

Ange Mlinko has an essay on W.S. Merwin in the December 7 issue of The New York Review of Books.


Raúl Sánchez—along with co-editor Iris D. Ruiz and contributors Steven Alvarez, Candace Zepeda, and José Cortez—took part in an invited roundtable at the Conference on Community Writing (Boulder CO, October 18–21) to discuss his book, Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies: New Latinx Keywords for Theory and Pedagogy.

Pamela Gilbert keynoted the Victorians Institute conference in South Carolina at Furman University in October of 2017. Her talk was titled, “Uncovering Bodies, Recovering History: Skin Objects in Victorian Britain.” Her review of Tina Choi’s Anonymous Connections: The Body and Narratives of the Social in Victorian Britain came out in the Journal of British Studies56.3.

David Leavitt’s story, “The David Party,” has just been published in the Washington Square Review.

Judith W. Page met with students and gave an invited lecture, “Town, Country,and Natural Environment in Beatrix Potter’s Imaginative World,” at Tulane University on October 20, 2017.


William Logan accused the poet Jill Bialosky of plagiarism in her memoir Poetry Will Save Your Life. The review in the online journal Tourniquet was followed by stories in the New York Times, the Washington Post and Forward.


Raúl Sánchez’s Inside the Subject: A Theory of Identity for the Study of Writing, was published by NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) as part of its longstanding CCCC Studies in Writing and Rhetoric book series.

Susan Hegeman’s article, “Oppenheimer’s House or, the Contradictions of Academic Life from the Cold War to Neoliberalism” is in volume 8 of the AAUP’s Journal of Academic Freedom. Relatedly, she has a blog post in Academeblog on the Berkeley Free Speech Movement and the alt-right’s new deployment of “free speech” on college campuses.

Margaret Galvan has a new article, “Archiving Wimmen: Collectives, Networks, & Comix,” out in Australian Feminist Studies. 32.91-92. Her comments and those of grad student Ashley Manchester were recently featured in a comics article on Vice. She will be presenting at the International Comic Arts Forum and National Women’s Studies Association conferences in November.

David Leavitt traveled to Italy in September to give a series of talks with the Sicilian novelist Ottavio Cappellani at the Pordenonelegge Book Festival in Pordenone, the Casa della Letteratura in Rome, and SEMLibri in Milan.


Michael Hofmann wrote a blog about Irma (‘In Hurricane Season’) for the London Review of Books.

Marsha Bryant’s review of Epic Negation: The Dialectical Poetics of Late Modernism (C. D. Blanton) appears in Modernism/modernity 24.3 (Sept. 2017): 649-51. It includes two limericks.

Sidney Wade’s newest, “Bird Book” has just been published by Atelier26 Publishers. The fun thing is that it is available as an ebook from all the standard outfits—Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, and Bookshout. The beautiful Audubon illustrations in the ebook are in color, and when you click on a bird’s name, you are taken immediately to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s webpage for that bird, complete with photos, recordings, and all sorts of information. Sidney also taught, once again at the Sewanee Summer Writers’ Conference.


Marsha Bryant’s review of the collection This Business of Words: Reassessing Anne Sextonappears in ALH Online Review, Series XII. Her latest collaborative essay with Mary Ann Eaverly (Classics), “Crisis Modes: Ancient Egyptian Forms and Modern Women Poets,” appeared in the summer issue of Mezzo Cammin.

David Leavitt has an essay on Caravaggio in the September 2017 issue of Vogue Italia.

Michael Hofmann has an essay on Eley Williams in the September 7, 2017 issue of the London Review of Books.


Anastasia Ulanowicz presented her paper, “The Drowned and the Saved: Multidirectional Memory and the Problem of Human Rights in Ruta Sepetys’ Salt to the Sea” at the International Research Society for Children’s Literature conference in Toronto on July 30, 2017.

Terry Harpold’s “Roman Scientifique and Its Discontents,” a review essay on Brian Stableford’s The Plurality of Imaginary Worlds: The Evolution of French Roman Scientifique, appears in Science Fiction Studies 44.2 (2017). Harpold has been named the Director of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts’ Jamie Bishop Memorial Award, given annually for the best critical essay on the fantastic originally published in a language other than English. During the summer break, Harpold presented papers on Jules Verne and nineteenth century ecological thought at the annual congresses of the North American Jules Verne Society (Toronto, June 7–10) and the Sociedad Hispánica Jules Verne (Havana, June 28–30). With Marston Science Librarian Sara Gonzalez he co-curated an exhibit in June and July in the Library on “World Ocean Day 2017: The Science Fiction of Marine Climate Change.” Once again, he was a co-organizer and panelist for the Florida Natural History Museum’s summer science fiction film series, which this year focused on time travel and future history, and featured William Cameron Menzies’s Things to Come (1936), George Pal’s The Time Machine (1960), Nicholas Meyer’s Time After Time (1979), and Robert Zemeckis’s Back to the Future (1985).

Dan Chiasson’s astute and exuberant review of Ange Mlinko’s new collection of poems, Distant Mandate, appears in the new issue of The New Yorker.


David Leavitt has published a review in The New York Times Book Review.

Phillip Wegner’s essay, “On Althusser’s Not Un-usefulness (Notes toward an Investigation),” appears in Mediations 30, no. 2.

Raúl Sánchez and Maria Rogal (Art + Art History) published an essay, “Co-Designing for Development,” in the Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Design (ed. Rachel Beth Egenhoefer).


News of Current Students


Stephanie Maniaci’s poem “Beside the River” received an honorable mention in the 2017 River Styx International Poetry Contest.

Anthony Coman’s essay “Similar Means to Different Ends: Lola Montès as a Punch in the Gut” was published in Issue 7 of Movie: A Journal of Film Criticism.

Wynne Hungerford has a one-act play forthcoming in the Southern Indiana Review.


Romy Rajan presented his paper “The High, the Low, and ‘depthlessness’: Anglophone Novels in the Neoliberal Era” at the annual SAMLA conference held November 3–5, Atlanta, GA.

Madison Jones’s poem “Pastoral” will appear in the February issue of Crab Orchard Reviewand his poems “Blackberry” and “Nocturne” in the Fall 2017 issue of Michigan Quarterly Review.

Karina A. Vado presented her paper titled “‘An alien consciousness is presently in the making’: Extraterrestrial Bodies, Queer Futurity, and Utopian Affect in the Works of Gloria Anzaldúa” at the National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA) Conference in Baltimore, Maryland on November 19, 2017.


Maurice Evers presented a paper titled “‘You are still alive in somebody’s mouth’: Memory, Visual Culture and Black Poetics” on the panel “The Politics of Memory in Contemporary U.S. Visual Culture” at the SAMLA 89 Conference in Atlanta, GA, in November 2017.

Milt Moise recently had his book chapter “‘Beyond the Flames’: The Castries Fire, Traumatic Discourse and the Utility of Faith in Derek Walcott’s ‘A City’s Death by Fire’ and Garth St. Omer’s ‘Another Place, Another Time’” published by Peepal Tree Press in the monograph The Fiction of Garth St. Omer: A Casebook.

Srimayee Basu presented a paper titled “Understanding the Utopian Socialism of George Lippard” in the panel “Labor, Work, Class in American Literature and Culture” at the South Atlantic Modern Language Association conference held in Atlanta, Georgia from November 3–5, 2017.

Kevin Cooley’s review of Michael Tisserand’s Krazy: George Herriman, A Life in Black and White came out in Studies in Comics 8.1.

Kyle Bohunicky’s article, “Ecomods: An Ecocritical Approach to Game Modification,” appears in Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 8.2 (2017).

Melissa Bianchi’s article, “Inklings and Tentacled Things: Grasping at Kinship through Video Games,” appears in Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 8.2 (2017).


Amrita Bandopadhyay presented her paper “Alchemies of Love: Politics of Female Solidarity in Lakshmi Persaud’s Daughters of Empire” at the 36th Annual Conference on West Indian Literature in St. Augustine, Trinidad on October 6, 2017.

Madeline Gangnes’s article “Hysterical Reality: Weimar Germany and the Victorian Gothic in Mattotti and Kramsky’s Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” was published in the “Graphic Gothic” special issue of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics. Her book review of Drawing the Line: Comics Studies and INKS, 1994 to 1997 was published in Studies in Comics 8:1 alongside a political cartoon she co-created with artist Letty Wilson. She also presented “Redefining ‘Visual Criticism’ in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness as Illustrated by Matt Kish” at the University of Florida’s English Graduate Organization Conference, October 20-21, 2017.


Wynne Hungerford has a story forthcoming in The Boiler.

Amrita Bandopadhyay presented her paper “Alchemies of Love: Politics of Female Solidarity in Lakshmi Persaud’s Daughters of Empire” at the 36th Annual Conference on West Indian Literature in St. Augustine, Trinidad on October 6, 2017.


Madison Jones has two poems in the current issue of About Place.

Cristina Ruiz-Poveda Vera’s article “‘Those who don’t remember don’t exist anywhere:’ Historical Redemption in Patricio Guzmán’s Nostalgia for the Light (2010)” was published in the Journal of Religion and Film.

Janna Moretti has a story forthcoming in Every Day Fiction.


Andrew Jenkins has a review of Literature and Criminal Justice in Antebellum America (Charles Ostrowski) appearing in Choice 54.8 and a review of Digital Humanities: Knowledge and Critique in a Digital Age (David Berry and Anders Fagerjord) appearing in Choice 55.4.


Nicholas Pierce has one poem forthcoming in Birmingham Poetry Review and another in The Hopkins Review.

Alison Gianes had a poem published in the Sweet Tree Review over the summer. You can read the issue here:


Madison Jones and Jacob Greene published “Augmented Vélorutionaries: Digital Rhetoric, Memorials, and Public Discourse” in Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy22.1.

Janna Moretti has a story forthcoming in Raleigh Review.

Mitch R. Murray’s “On Imagined and Science Fictional Futures,” a review of Jens Beckert’s and Peter Frase’s new books, appears in Mediations vol. 30, no. 2.

Caleb Milligan’s chapter “Participating in ‘1984’: The Surveillance of Sousveillance from White Noise to Right Now” was published in the edited collection, Spaces of Surveillance: States and Selves, now available from Palgrave Macmillan.


Norma Aceves presented her paper entitled “Feminist Disability Studies Goes Goth: The Hypertrophy of Female Monstrosity in Charlotte Dacre’s Zofloya” at the International Gothic Association conference at la Universidad de las Américas in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico on July 18, 2017.

Romy Rajan presented his paper “Going beyond the Mau Mau in Yvonne Adhiambo Owuor’s Dust” at the Annual African Literature Association Conference at New Haven, Connecticut.


News of Former Students


Jason Richards’ book, Imitation Nation: Red, White, and Blackface in Early and Antebellum US Literature, has just been published by the University of Virginia Press.


Michael Hammerle’s poem “Old Woman and Tea” was recently featured at The Sandy River Review’s online component, The River. Hammerle has a poem “Light and Heat” in the 9th issue of the Corvus Review.


Emma Smith-Stevens’ essay, “The Sun,” will appear in the anthology Not That Bad: Dispatches From Rape Culture (Harper Collins), edited by Roxane Gay.


Michael Hammerle’s flash fiction “The Horse Did Not Always Go Home” has been published by New World Writing.


Samantha Grenrock was selected by Natalie Diaz for Best New Poets. Her poem “It Is Known to the State of California” will appear in the Best New Poets anthology this November.


Eileen Rush’s poems appear in the spring issues of Pleiades and FOLIO. Her flash fiction appears in Word Riot.

Maisha Wester (Class of 2006 and now Associate Professor at Indiana University of Bloomington) gave a keynote talk entitled “Duppy vs Ghost, Obeah vs Witchcraft: Dueling Folklore in Black Diasporic Gothic Fiction” at the International Gothic Association conference at la Universidad de las Américas in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico on July 19, 2017.