Owing to the generous bequest of Mary Neal Kirkland-Johns, the Department of English at the University of Florida announces the continuation of the Kirkland Dissertation Fellowships in Victorian Literature or Folklore.
In keeping with the teaching and research interests of the late Professor Edwin C. Kirkland, these awards are for students who wish to pursue graduate work that focuses or is centered on English literature of the Victorian era (which may involve studies in literature from the early nineteenth century and through the beginning decades of the twentieth century) or studies in oral narrative folklore (which may involve cultural studies).
The department plans to present Kirkland Dissertation Awards each year to a student writing a dissertation in the designated fields. This award will carry a stipend of $24,000. This award also includes tuition for two semesters (one semester for those who have had a CLAS Dissertation Fellowship) and a travel grant of $500. The competition will be announced by the Graduate Coordinator and will require a letter of application and supporting letters from supervising faculty. Letters of application should emphasize academic suitability and financial need.