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Minor in English

Applying for the Minor

To apply for the Undergraduate Minor in English, a student must complete the application for the minor (applications are available in 100 Academic Advising Center.)

Grade Requirements for Courses for the Minor

The “SU” grading option may not be used for courses for the minor. Courses for minor must be passed with a grade of “C” or better. Courses used for General Education and/or Basic Distribution may not be used for the minor.

Course Requirements for the Minor

A total of 5 courses are required. A minimum of 3 of these courses must be completed at the University of Florida.) Courses which may be applied to the Minor must be at the 3000-4000 level, with the following course prefixes:

  • AML
  • CRW
  • ENC
  • ENG
  • ENL
  • LIT

Only one course with the number “ENG 4905” (Independent Study) may be applied to the minor, unless an exception is approved by the Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies.

Other courses which may be applied to the Minor:


  • LIN 3680
  • SPC 3605
  • SPC 4680