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Roy (Ikechukwu) Udeh-Ubaka

MFA Student


Roy Udeh-Ubaka sits facing the camera. He is wearing a crisp blue suit, white shirt, and yellow tie.Roy is a fiction MFA student at the University of Florida, where he teaches CRW1101 (Beginning Fiction Writing). He is a 2018 alumnus of the Purple Hibiscus Creative Writers Workshop taught by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. He is also the 2022 winner of the Gerald Kraak Award, and a finalist for the Masters Review Anthology, Sisters in Crime Pride Award and the Globe Soup Short Story Award. His works have appeared in McSweeney’s Quarterly, Wasafiri, Bakwa Magazine, Lolwe, The Masters Review, and The Gerald Kraak Anthology. In 2019, he was named by Electric Literature as ‘One of the Most Promising New Voices of Nigerian Fiction.’

Fields of Study:

  • Creative Writing
  • African Literature
  • African-American Literature
  • Feminism, Gender, and Sexuality


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