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Spring 2017 Newsletter

News of Faculty


Michael Hofmann has a piece on Elizabeth Bishop in the Times Literary Supplement (issue 5; April 2017).

Maureen Turim presented “Next to Chantal Akerman: an Installation of Generations and the Shoah” on a panel on “Chantal Akerman: New Approaches” at the annual meeting of the Society for Film and Media Studies in Chicago, March 22–26.  She also presented in a special event panel, “Collective Action in 2017: Responding to Hate, Disenfranchisement, and the Loss of the Commons,” focusing on media’s role in coalition building.


Terry Harpold presented “Draupadī’s Question: The Subtle Dharma of Yann Quero’s Le Procès de l’Homme Blanc” at the 38th annual conference of the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts, held in Orlando, FL, March 22–26.

Amy Hempel’s story “The Chicane” has been selected for Best American Short Stories 2017.

Judith W. Page recently gave two invited talks in the UK: “Wordsworth, Writing, and the Friendship of Women,” to the Wordsworth Winter School at Rydal Hall in Cumbria on February 22 and “Town and Country in Beatrix Potter’s Imagination,” at the Chawton House Library in Hampshire on March 2.While at Chawton, she also recorded a podcast on Beatrix Potter

Raúl Sánchez chaired the Latinx Caucus Workshop and the Latinx Caucus Business Meeting, and he presented a paper titled “Forget Mignolo” at the Conference of College Composition and Communication Convention in Portland, Oregon, March 15–18.

Malini Schueller gave an invited talk, “You Taught Me Language: Education, Racialization and Forms of US Imperial Governmentality,” for the Eminent Scholar Lecture Series at the University of Alabama, Huntsville

Sidney Wade and Efe Murad’s translation of Melih Cevdet Anday’s selected poems won the Meral Divitci Prize for Turkish poetry in translation. Silent Stones, Selected Poems of Melih Cevdet Anday has just been published by Talisman House.


Sidney Homan edited Playing Offstage: The Theatre As a Presence or Force in the Real World(Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017). It features fourteen essays by theatre artists and scholars, including Homan’s “What It Can Mean to Play Offstage—and Why” and “Sticking It to the Audience.”

Pamela Gilbert gave and invited talk at the Department of English, University of North Texas, titled “Dangerous Lesions: Skin, Disease, and Moral Character in Nineteenth-Century Literature.” She was also invited to speak at a working lunch on developing Medical Humanities at UNT on February 13, 2017.

David Leavitt’s article “Turing and the Paranormal” appears in The Turing Guide, just published by Oxford University Press.

Judith Page recently organized, moderated, and participated in a roundtable on “Interdisciplinarity in the Nineteenth Century” for the Nineteenth Century Studies Association in Charleston, SC. She also serves on the NCSA’s board.

Leah Rosenberg traveled with Laurie Taylor (Digital Scholarship Librarian) and Elizabeth Dale (History) on an SEC travel grant to the University of South Carolina (11-13 January), where she met with the Center for Digital Humanities and presented at two sessions: “Publicly Engaging and Employing Humanities Scholars by Transforming Humanities Graduate Education” and “Refashioning Caribbean Studies Pedagogy in the Digital Age.”

Phil Wegner’s essay “Relics from a Deleted Timeline: The Economics of Terminator Genisys,” appears in the latest issue of Science Fiction Film & Television (vol. 10, no. 1, 2017).


Amy Hempel was elected to the American Academy of Arts & Letters.

Michael Hofmann’s translation of Franz Kafka’s uncollected stories, The Burrow (Penguin), was <a href=”” aria-label=”reviewed by Nicholas Lezard in The Guardian”>reviewed by Nicholas Lezard in The Guardian (31 January 2017).

On 6 December 2016, Anastasia Ulanowicz gave an invited talk on Western-European and Anglo-American representations of childhood and violence at the fifth annual conference on children’s media, sponsored by Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) in Istanbul. In early January of 2017, she presented her paper “Andrij Chaijkivskij’s Za SestroyuThe Ukrainian Weekly, and the Role of Children’s Literature in Negotiations of Diasporic Identity” in a special MLA panel on migration, refugees, and diaspora in children’s literature.


Terry Harpold’s “The Abbé Bethléem and Jules Verne” appears in Verniana 9 (2016–17): 57–86.

Ange Mlinko’s Bagley-Wright Lecture, “At Sea,” presented last September at the Hugo House in Seattle, can be heard now at this link.

Mark A. Reid has recently published “Whose ‘Post-Racial’ ‘Post-Black’ Is It?: USA, France, Italy, and England” in Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, ‘Race’ 3. African Americans and the Black Diaspora. Eds. Corinne Dubon & Claudine Raynaud (Montpellier, France: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, 2016).


Marsha Bryant organized and chaired the roundtable “Oh, the Places Modernist Studies Will Go!” at the Modernist Studies Association conference in Pasadena (Nov. 17–20, 2016). Tapping their writing, blogging, pedagogy, public outreach, and administration, presenters imagined the field’s futures in light of current reinventions of the humanities. On December 2, 2016, Bryant presented at the Harn Museum of Art for a TA workshop she co-organized: Teaching with the Harn! MFA candidate Nick Pierce was one of the presenters.

Pamela Gilbert delivered a paper, “Nineteenth-Century Skin: The Boundary of Individual and Social History,” at MLA 2017, in Philadelphia. She also moderated a panel, “‘Victorian’ in a Comparative Field,” as part of her service as an elected representative of the Forum LLC Victorian and Early-20th-Century English.

Raúl Sánchez’s book, Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies: New Latinx Keywords for Theory and Pedagogy, co-edited with Iris D. Ruiz (UC-Merced), was published by Palgrave.

Maureen Turim’s chapter “There’s No Geneva Convention Here: Torture in Three Films Set in World War II” appears in Screening the Tortured Body: The Cinema as Scaffold, edited by Mark de Valk (Palgrave, 2016, 159–174). Professor Turim also gave an invited talk, “Better Late than Never: French Feature Films of the 1970–80s Address the Occupation and the Shoah,” on December 6, 2016. The invited talk was sponsored by the France-Florida Research Institute, Jewish Studies, and The Harn Museum of Art.

News of Current Students


Srimayee Basu presented a paper titled “Riots, Memory, and Post-Civil-Rights-Era Los Angeles” in the panel “Language of the Unheard: Riot on the American Cultural Stage” at the 48th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association held in Baltimore, MD (March 23–March 26).

Maurice Evers presented “Unmitigated Blackness: Paul Beatty’s Post-Soul Critique of Double Consciousness” at The 48th Annual Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association held March 23–26, 2017, in Baltimore, Maryland.

Madeline Gangnes presented “‘Don’t Linger in the Woods’: Spaces of Tension in Fairy Tales by Angela Carter and Emily Carroll” at the University of Florida’s 14th annual Conference on Comics and Graphic Novels, April 7–9, 2017.

Rafael Hernandez won a 2017 Course Development Grant competition through the Center for European Studies. His course “Degenerative Europe: Politics and Modern Art in 20th-Century Literature and Culture” will be offered Fall 2017 in the Center for European Studies and the English Department.

Wynne Hungerford has fiction forthcoming in Clackamas Literary Review and The Laurel Review.


Michael Hammerle’s flash fiction piece “Killerman” has been named a winner for inclusion in Best Small Fictions 2017. Hammerle’s flash fiction piece “The Experiment” has been published by the Matador Review in its Winter 2017 Issue.

Derrick King’s book chapter “The City and the Country: Queer Utopian Spaces in John Rechy’s City of Night and Patricia Highsmith’s The Price of Salt” appears in the collection Critical Insights: Civil Rights Literature, Past and Present, edited by Christopher A. Varlack (Salem Press, 2017).


Srimayee Basu published “Reading Black Childhood” in the Spring issue of Albeit, an MLA-indexed, electronic literary journal.

Trevor Weisong Gao’s article titled “Thousand Hands Bodhisattva: Aesthetics, Affect, Sensational Disability” appears in Disability Studies Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, 2017.

On March 2, Mandisa Haarhoff and Alyssa Hunziker were awarded course development grants from the Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations.

On February 18 & 19, English graduate students Jonathan HernandezRafael HernandezAlyssa Hunziker, and Mary Roca represented UF GAU at the United Faculty of Florida Senate to discuss issues facing higher education.

Madison Jones’s poem “Sparrows on a High Wire” appears in the current issue of Birmingham Poetry Review (no. 44), and his poems “High Rise” and “Prescribed Burn” will soon appear in the Spring issue of Shenandoah (vol. 66, no. 2, 2017).

Karina A. Vado presented a paper titled “Pauline Hopkins’ Mixed Race Utopias” at the 2017 SWPACA conference, held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from February 15–18, 2017. Her review of Angelika Bammer’s Partial Visions: Feminism and Utopianism in the 1970s will appear in the Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (vol. 27, no. 2, 2017).


Mitch Murray’s article “The Work of Art in the Age of the Superhero” appears in the current issue of Science Fiction Film & Television (vol. 10, no. 1, 2017).


Wynne Hungerford recently had fiction in Fried Chicken & Coffee. She has work forthcoming in Storychord and Emrys Journal.


Maurice Evers presented a paper titled “Dangerous Dorothy: Intersectional Feminism in Postwar America” on the panel “A Hot Thing: Black Female Sexualities Reimagined” at the SAMLA 88 Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, in November 2016.


Melissa Bianchi’s article “Claws and Controllers: Werewolves and Lycanthropy in Digital Games” appeared in a special issue of the peer-reviewed e-journal Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural.

Chesya Burke edited an anthology, Hidden Youth: Speculative Fiction from the Margins of History, which debuted in October 2016. Her short story “For Sale: Fantasy Coffin (Ababuo Need Not Apply),” which was originally published in Stories for Chip Delany, was republished in Year’s Best YA Speculative Fiction, September 2016, and her short story “They Deal in Pain, but Pleasure is Better” was published in Into Painfreak: A Journey of Decadence and Debauchery, November 2016.

Srimayee Basu presented a paper titled “Queering the American 1950s” on the panel “Representing Women’s Agency” at the 2016 MMLA Conference held in St. Louis, Missouri, from November 10–13, 2016.

Jaquelin Elliott’s article “Becoming The Monster: Queer Monstrosity and the Reclamation of the Werewolf in Slash Fandom” appeared in a special issue of the peer-reviewed e-journal Revenant: Critical and Creative Studies of the Supernatural.

Derrick King’s article “Narrative, Temporality, and Neutralization in Sarah Orne Jewett’s Queer Utopias” appears in South Atlantic Review (2016, 81.4, 12–27).

Caleb Milligan published “The Viral Image: Transmedia Mise-en-scène in the Fictional Real” in the premiere issue of Mise-en-scène: The Journal of Film & Visual Narration.

Rob Short was elected to the board of The International David Foster Wallace Society and designed its website,, which launched January 2, 2016 (Twitter: @DFWSociety). He is also an Assistant Editor of The Journal of David Foster Wallace Studies, the first double-blind, peer-reviewed print publication to focus solely on Wallace’s work. The CFP for the first issue of the journal can be found on the DFW Society and UPenn Calls for Papers websites.

News of Former Students


Robert G. Walker published a book review of The Great Mirror of Folly: Finance, Culture, and the Crash of 1720 and “Scholia to Volume 9—Subscription List [of Tristram Shandy]” in Scriblerian (vol. 48, no. 2 / vol. 49, no. 1, Spring/Autumn 2016, pp. 181-183, 197-198) and “Two Cruces in Ford’s Some Do Not…” in Notes & Queries (vol. 64, no. 1, 2017, pp. 161-164).


Kevin Wilson’s third book was reviewed by John Irving in The New York Times Book Review.


Sam Grenrock’s poem “The Sixth Age” will appear in the next issue of Raritan. Two of her poems will be features on the New Orleans Review web page, and she has four poems forthcoming in Canary.