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Taylor Morris

Ph.D. Student

T. A. Morris smiling at an academic Convocation

MA in Film and Media Studies, Columbia University
BS in Physics, Sewanee: The University of the South

I’m a second year PhD student with broad interests in literature, cinema, philosophy, and new media. A former scientist, I was awarded the Goldwater Scholarship in 2014 before a series of conversions reoriented my life toward the humanities. I am a native of the great state of Tennessee, and, while I’ve enjoyed some previous stints in the North, I am so pleased to be back living full-time in the South. In academic year ’21-’22 I was a research fellow in modernism at the University of Wrocław in Poland under a grant from the Kosciuszko Foundation, where I was introduced to texts unknown in the Anglosphere.

Outside of the academy my interests include fencing, photography, and discoursing with my friends and colleagues.

I’m thrilled to be at UF in this department with so many great colleagues and friends. Let’s work hard today and make the most of Gatordom!

Favorite Directors: Roman Polański , Makoto Shinkai, Mariano Llinás
Favorite Writers: Thomas Hardy, T. S. Eliot, Bolesław Prus

Courses Taught:
LIT2000–Introduction to Literature
ENG2300–Film Analysis

Fields of Study:

  • Adaptation Studies
  • Modernism
  • Film and Media Studies
  • Polish and Japanese Cinema/Literature


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