University of Florida Homepage

Forms & Links

Departmental Travel Form

The English Department is now using a digital Travel Request Form, which you can access on the separate English Department Forms website.

For Faculty

For Students

Resources for Student Organizations:

Undergraduate Forms

Undergraduate Special Registration Form (Word Version) (PDF Version) (for Independent Study, Internships, Research Hours, & Honors Thesis)

Fall 2025 Creative Writing Manuscript Submission Notice
Fall 2025 Creative Writing Manuscript Submission Cover Sheet

Graduate Forms

All other graduate student forms — including, but not limited to, letterhead, placement materials, and administrative forms — are now housed on the English Department share drive in the Graduate Student Resources folder. To access the share drive, you will need to sign into the Gatorlink VPN Service. You can click here for information on how to download and access the VPN.

Next, you need to access the department share drive:

  • ​On a Mac, make sure that you are logged into AnyConnect (the VPN service). Then go to the ‘Go’ menu on the top bar on your Finder screen.
  • On a PC, make sure that you are logged into AnyConnect (the VPN service). Then open Windows Explorer (click on ‘Computer’ in the start menu).
  • On a Mac, you will connect to smb:// by typing it into the search bar then click Connect. On a PC, you will type \\\clas\share into the search bar, then click Enter
  • Type\yourusername in the username section and your UF password.
  • This should take you to a screen that shows a Graduate Student Resources folder.

If you have trouble with any of this, you can click here for resources to help (including instruction to access from Linux). You can also contact CLAS IT online for further assistance or by calling (352) 846-1990.

Please do not make any changes to documents on the share drive. Save them to your computer before making changes to ensure blank copies are always available. If you notice an error in a file, please contact and